Sunday 1 March 2015


marriage is very important in life. parenthood without marriage we do not grow.

Saturday 28 February 2015

The Watermelon

Water and fiber content in watermelon can help prevent constipation and promote the frequency of a healthy digestive tract .

Watermelon is also good for your skin because it contains vitamin A , a nutrient needed to sustain production of sebum in the hair damp . Vitamin A is also required for the growth of all body tissues , including the skin and hair .

Sunday 15 February 2015


Mangosteen ( Garcinia mangostana L. ) is a kind of seasonal fruits belong to the family Guttiferae . Appropriate in tropical climates between 20oC and 30oC It needs a humid with rainfall of 2,500 mm . a year and according to the various types of well drained soil . The appropriate soil type is alluvial soils such as marine Pearl Series , alluvial soil of the river and the floodplain.

Sunday 1 February 2015

The Cake - Buffet of traditional cakes Malaysia

The breakfast buffet of traditional cakes Malaysia . sweet , spicy and various flavors for today's opening .

In Malaysia the traditional cake is usually sold in the morning and evening.

the origin of this cake comes from the surrounding area including Indonesia and Malaysia Thailand.

Saturday 31 January 2015

The Ring 2


they actually do not run out of rings . There were very excited . they feel like they complement each other . luxury , beauty ,

ring where women are actually many sad memories , happy , high heritage can not be changed.

The ring prices differed there are expensive , and there are cheap . sometimes - cage ring symbolized the opulence someone girls .

sweetest for women is when the ring was awarded to either a birthday present or engagement gift .

Sunday 18 January 2015

The Ring

This ring is the wedding ring on my conscious . ring is a sign that we as husband and wife . too many stories of love or grief before they get married.

if there is love there must be happy. wedding is a dream of every man in the world. but without love we can get married . whether we like it or not .

Thursday 1 January 2015

All About The Photographer

Hello Word...

Hi, how are you , the establishment of this blog is meant for fun only. all the photographers . All pictures on around Malaysia , marriage , customs , village atmosphere , food , animals , flora & fauna, buildings in Malaysia and the world. I could not wait to write and upload pictures of my own record.